Need a Relaxcation?

We are working positively to help you re-connecting with loved ones, slowing down the pace of life and enjoying those around us and even bettering ourselves. At the very least, people have come to understand the value of new-found simplicity offered by stripping ourselves of an event-packed life. I ask you this…do you miss the craziness? Or do you prefer the serenity of not having to plan, coordinate and attend every “important” moment in life? Of course, a mixture of calm and crazy is ideal but often, I would argue most are more “on the go” and less calm.
As a parent, how does this relate to vacations you have taken in the past? Have you ever felt you needed a vacation from your vacation? Have you ever felt overwhelmed or burdened by having to plan a family vacation? Questions like where are we going to go? Are we getting the best deal? How are we getting to and from the airports? Where is the most centrally located hotel or should we do vrbo? Where are we going to eat? Do we need to make reservations? Are we going to eat some meals in and if so, where? When can I go grocery shopping? What do we want to do? What days and hours are spots open?
Then, it is fighting crowds, waiting in lines, kids saying they are bored 20 minutes after arriving for your planned day on the beach…you know what we are talking about.
-We Have a Solution-
WE HEAR YOU! And we have the answer. Imagine only planning a flight and NOTHING ELSE! Imagine stepping foot on a luxury yacht where a crew anxiously awaits to serve and cater to you for an entire week! The crew plans and coordinates your destinations, customizes a meal plan, cooks, and cleans up. All while the captain navigates you safely through the beautiful islands, ensuring you hit the tops sites and secluded areas. It’s more affordable than you think!
Chartering a private yacht provides a stress and worry-free vacation which allows you to reconnect with your loved ones and friends. Every single moment is yours to embrace and absorb. You will not be wasting time in line or trying to keep everyone together amongst crowds. You will be engaged with every single minute of the experience. Your mind is completely liberated from background noise and thoughts. Kids are happier because parents are free from distraction, spouses and significant others are fulfilled in sharing undivided attention. Kids of all ages are entertained with the endless opportunities the islands have to offer. Beaches, uninhabited islands, snorkeling, fishing, tubing, and playing with their parents. These are memories everyone will look back on and favorably remember.
-Let Us Do The Work-
Making happy memories is what life is about. Memories are not made waiting two hours in line to ride a rollercoaster, or swimming in a crowded pool, or waiting to share the same experience of thousands of other vacationers. Chartering a private yacht is an attainable and affordable vacation of a lifetime. Every moment is lived, and every moment makes memories. Then upon your return, you can tell everyone you had an amazing RELAXCATION!