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The Ultimate British Virgin Islands Yacht Charter Itinerary

bvi charter

Begin the ultimate British Virgin Islands yacht charter adventure, perfect for explorers and leisure seekers. Start at Norman Island, known for snorkeling at The Caves and indulging at Willy T’s. Discover vibrant marine life at Peter Island and immerse yourself in the historic depths near The Rhone. The Baths on Virgin Gorda offer breathtaking geological formations. Virgin Gorda North Sound invites divers with its clear waters, while Anegada captivates with pristine beaches and local cuisine. Conclude at Guana Island, where conservation meets natural beauty. Each destination promises unique experiences and sheer delight for intrepid travelers excited for the full itinerary.

Day 1: Norman Island

Begin your British Virgin Islands yacht charter with an enchanting visit to Norman Island, where the storied past and natural beauty create an ideal setting for the start of your maritime adventure. Renowned for its rumored inspiration of ‘Treasure Island,’ Norman Island offers unparalleled snorkeling experiences. Explore the vibrant underwater world at The Indians and The Caves, where colorful marine life and stunning coral formations captivate explorers. As the day winds down, anchor at the tranquil Bight, surrounded by serene waters and breathtaking landscapes. Elevate your evening with a visit to Willy T, the famous floating restaurant and bar celebrated for its lively atmosphere and delectable drinks. Norman Island seamlessly blends history, adventure, and relaxation.

Please call or email Doug (our seasoned yacht travel specialist) today at (781) 679-1162 or email at [email protected].

Day 2: Peter Island Snorkeling

After an enchanting day at Norman Island, set sail to the tranquil waters of Peter Island, where many snorkeling adventures await. Immerse yourself in the crystal-clear waters of Great Harbor, renowned for its stunning coral formations and vibrant marine life. Peter Island offers unparalleled snorkeling experiences, allowing you to explore a serene underwater world.

  • The Indians: Witness breathtaking coral formations teeming with colorful marine species.
  • Great Harbor: Discover five pristine white sand beaches, each offering unique snorkeling spots.
  • Diverse Marine Ecosystems: Encounter a variety of underwater creatures in clear visibility.

Peter Island’s serene setting provides an ideal backdrop for snorkeling, swimming, and beach relaxation, making it an essential stop on your British Virgin Islands yacht charter itinerary.

Day 3: The Rhone

Day 3 of your British Virgin Islands yacht charter itinerary will take you to the historic and mesmerizing dive site of The Rhone, where the allure of a sunken British mail steamer awaits exploration. Nestled off the coast of Salt Island, The Rhone shipwreck offers a fascinating underwater adventure. This British mail steamer, which sank in 1867 during a hurricane, is now a haven for divers of all levels. You can observe the ship’s engine, boilers, and propeller among the wreckage, all teeming with vibrant marine life. Schools of fish, colorful corals, and even turtles make this dive site a must-see. The varying depths cater to novice and experienced divers, ensuring an unforgettable experience.

Day 4: The Baths, Virgin Gorda

Nestled on the island of Virgin Gorda, The Baths offers a breathtaking natural playground where massive granite boulders create a labyrinth of grottoes, caves, and crystal-clear pools perfect for exploration and relaxation. This iconic destination captivates visitors with its:

  • Unique rock formations form stunning tunnels and secluded grottoes.
  • Crystal-clear snorkeling waters teeming with vibrant marine life.
  • Pristine beach, where you can unwind and bask in the Caribbean sun.

The Baths’ intricate network of tunnels and pools invites adventurers to explore and discover hidden nooks, making it an unforgettable highlight of any yacht charter. Virgin Gorda’s natural beauty provides an awe-inspiring backdrop, ensuring an enriching experience for all who visit.

Day 5: Virgin Gorda North Sound

Virgin Gorda North Sound beckons with its exceptional diving locations and vibrant marine life as the journey continues, promising an unparalleled underwater adventure. Renowned for its crystalline waters, this enclave is a haven for diving and snorkeling enthusiasts. The area features a trio of tiny islets, each offering unique underwater experiences. Divers will marvel at the diverse marine life and the stunning underwater scenery of North Sound. Snorkelers can explore the pristine coral formations and colorful fish that thrive in this aquatic paradise. Whether you are a seasoned diver or a novice snorkeler, Virgin Gorda North Sound provides an innovative and exhilarating escape into the depths of the British Virgin Islands.

Day 6: Anegada Adventure

Anegada’s untouched allure beckons travelers to its unique coral landscapes and vibrant wildlife. As the only coral island in the Virgin Islands, Anegada offers an unparalleled adventure. Start your day at the pristine Loblolly Bay, where snorkeling reveals a kaleidoscope of marine life. Wander to Cow Wreck Beach, an idyllic spot perfect for relaxation and beachcombing. Indulge in the island’s culinary gem, Anegada lobster, at one of the charming beachfront restaurants. The island’s flat terrain and unique ecosystem, home to pink flamingos and rock iguanas, starkly contrast its neighboring islands’ volcanic landscapes.

  • Loblolly Bay: Premier snorkeling destination
  • Cow Wreck Beach: Tranquil and picturesque
  • Anegada lobster: Must-try local delicacy

Day 7: Guana Island Marine Life

Guana Island offers an enchanting marine sanctuary where vibrant coral reefs and diverse ocean life create a paradise for snorkelers and divers alike. At Monkey Point, the crystalline waters reveal a tapestry of colorful coral reefs teeming with tropical fish, sea turtles, and rays. This thriving marine environment showcases a rich biodiversity, making it a premier spot for snorkeling. The island’s designation as a wildlife sanctuary guarantees that its diverse marine life, including sponges and sea fans, remains protected and preserved. As you explore this underwater haven, the vivid marine ecosystems will captivate your senses, offering an unforgettable experience highlighting the importance of conservation and the natural beauty of Guana Island’s marine life.


As the sun sets on this meticulously curated journey through the British Virgin Islands, the voyage mirrors a masterfully painted canvas, each stroke revealing layers of adventure and serenity. The azure waters and vibrant marine life symbolize the richness of nature’s bounty, while the tranquil anchorages evoke a timeless escape. This odyssey, blending gourmet delights with exhilarating escapades, confirms the unparalleled allure of the BVI, a true haven for yacht enthusiasts.

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